Yikes! I can't believe it's already 11:30... Where did my day GO? I've been running around like crazy trying to get caught up on laundry and pack for myself and 2 kids for a week at Gigi & Joejoe's house! I'm starting to really feel the crunch now. With every hour that passes I think my to-do list is lengthened by at least 3 or 4 items!! Ahh, oh well... somehow it will all get done. In case you're wondering, the only reason I have time to make this post is because I'm feeding MJ :)
PS. Head over to
my crafty blog, and take a look at the beautiful scarf I'm giving away!!
Told you I have lots of Laundry!

Bags all ready to go... well, ready to go on the bed to be packed :)

And just because they're cute..... Madeline and Aiden.....

Sure wish I was able to go SOMEWHERE for a WEEK to get away from everything. That isn’t happening though. From now until the end of the school year it is paperwork, paperwork, paperwork that has to be started, checked over and over to see if all the I’s are dotted and the t’s are crossed, conferences held, and then MORE paperwork. I really hate the second half of the year!