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Tuesday, January 27, 2009

'Ten on Tuesday'

10 Favorite Articles of Clothing I own....

1. Crocs - heaven on my feet!
2. Secret fit nursing tank - wear it 24/7
3. Black 'Vera Wang' slacks - love em
4. Heather grey slacks - awesome color and incredibly soft!
5. White blouse with red sweater
6. Black pea coat
7. old t-shirts - so comfy!
8. Silk ringsling
9. Black and white silk blouse from WHBM

I'm too tired to get to #10. Maybe later today.

1 comment:

  1. You’ve done better than me; I’d have a hard time figuring out 10 of my favorite clothes. Not sure I like any of them anymore; I have gained so much weight that nothing fits as it should anymore!


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