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Friday, January 23, 2009

Girls. Night. Out.

Want to hear a funny joke? Alight. Two photographers plan a girls night out to for a fun concert and speaking engagement. The keynote speaker is Kate Gosselin, yes the one from Jon&Kate plus 8. Through a series of fortunate events and a nosey friend they end up #9 in line for book signing out of THOUSANDS of people.... Alright, hold on to your seats, here come they punch line..... NEITHER PHOTOGRAPHER HAD A CAMERA!! Ha Ha Ha, is that not the funniest thing you've ever heard? Pretty pathetic, huh? At any rate, we still had an awesome time! Although Kate was supposed to be the highlight of the evening, I think I enjoyed listening to Lysa Terkeurst the most. Not only was she very funny, she had an incredible spirit. I think I could have listened to her all night. Renee Swope was also a very good speaker. Kate had a lot of 'ums' which is a pet peeve of mine, but I know I couldn't get up there and speak in front of a 4K+ crowed!! She shared some stuff that is left off of the show and even though I get frustrated with her attitude at times, I do think she is an amazing woman. God sure knew what he was doing when he only gave us one at a time! There is NO WAY I could do what she does! Ayiesha Woods And Jason Catron did the music - Loved it! I am so thankful for such a wonderful friend! We truly had an awesome time!



  1. I thought that was "our" little secret! You didn't have to go tell the whole world that we didn't bring our cameras! It was so much fun and definately a night to remember! I adore you!

  2. Ha ha... yah.. but I figured it was better to confess that then have the whole world think I can't work my camera and get a decent picture! You should call me... I have an awesome new ringer :)

  3. LOL - what a cute story. I'm glad ya'll had a good time!

  4. Sounds like an awesome night--would have loved to have joined the girls! And it sounds like a story of my life. The one that is always behind the camera, has the camera with me ALWAYS--except when I SHOULD have it! LOL


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