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Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Sweet Baby Boy

Meet Logan. He was such a sweet heart today - a real trooper. I heard that he didn't like having his clothes off, but he tolerated all of my silliness quiet well! Once he finally went to sleep I fell in love with his squeaks and grunts. *Almost* made me want another baby! Erin, thank you for letting me into your life today, I truly enjoyed capturing this little guy for you. I hope that you enjoy your sneak peek!



  1. What a beautiful baby! I know you had fun today! I can see where he could make you *Almost* want another one. This is why I like babies, I can play with them, love on them, then hand them back and I still get a good night's sleep! I don't have to be up every 4 hours feeding or changing them or up with their colic! God KNEW what He was doing when He gave children to younger women instead of old hags like me! ;) Shelly

  2. I just love that first picture in the bed! How absolutely adorable! Nicely done!

  3. cute baby :)love the eye contact you got in that one shot!

  4. awww how adorable, I LOVE that first one!!!

  5. Love the 1st one, so adorable! Great job with these.

  6. the first shot is my fav.. great job with the little one.

  7. these are just so adorable, love that first one!

  8. These are adorable! The parents must be thrilled! Great work!


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