Yah Yah, so it's really Wednesday, but I promise I have good reason for falling behind! Mike got sick on Friday evening and felt the need to share it with the rest of the family!! We both high-tailed it to the doctor on Monday and learned that we have bronchitis. Could have fooled me, I swear I had something that was going to kill me! Of course, Mj and Aiden weren't immune to this and they've been running fever off and on all week as well. Trust me, it hasn't been pretty around here. I think the lowest point was last night when my fever hit 103.9! Mike said I was a bit loopy - talking jibberish and doing lots of moaning. We
probably should have been at the ER, but it seemed like a better idea to wait it out and be miserable at home than to wake up two sick kids and camp at the ER. I think we can only get better now... last night had to have been rock bottom!!
Anyway, here's a glimpse into My life. Now, normally this will come on Mondays..
unless we're all dying from the flu bug!
Welcome to my life!

What happens when sweet little boys get sick? They get to lay in Mommy & Daddy's bed and watch movies. All. Day. Long.

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