I cannot believe that my baby girl is already 6 months old. I simply cannot figure out where the time is going. I knew it would pass quickly after Aiden became a toddler just by blinking my eyes, but sheesh.... MJ is all girl, that's for sure. Talk about a high-maintaince baby! :) Maybe she gets that from her daddy cause I can't imagine that it came from me... haha! She barely tips the scales at 13 pounds and I don't remember her exact length - but she's pretty high on the charts. She's already looking to be a bit like Aiden - long and lean! She isn't quiet sitting up by herself yet, but she sure can roll where ever she'd like! Her favorite activities are drooling, nursing and watching Aiden :)
Here's my sweet girl this morning. She had been snoozing on our bed so I tried to snap a few pictures right after she woke up but before she realized she was hungry!

And just because I can't show one kid without the other... Here's Aiden holding his first frog. Ahh, the life of a toddler boy... dirt, dirt and more dirt!!
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