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Saturday, February 21, 2009

A little bump in the road

This is just going to the a reader's digest version since I'm short on time! MJ has been "goofy" lately... sleeping 14-17 hours AT A TIME!, not eating much, blank stares, stopped being interactive and a whole other list of things. Called and got an appointment for the pediatrician on Tuesday. He looked her over and ordered some blood work. When the results came back on Wednesday, we were ordered to take her to the ER at Texas Children's Hospital for admission and further testing. We arrived at 1611 on Wednesday and to make a long-story-short, we got a room at 1932 on Thursday. It was a long day to say the least. So far it's been lots of no sleep, blood work and exams. Without getting into all the details, she's loosing weight and they really don't have a reason why. Evidently it's only cool to loose weight as an adult! Over the next few days we have a whole slew of specialists to see... GI, Respatory, Nutrition and a few others. So, please keep Mike and I as as well as Miss MJ in your prayers. It looks like we'll be at the hospital until at least Tuesday (that's when her sweat test is scheduled) Poor Aiden has been bounced all over between families for sleep-overs but he's having a blast! I did pack up my camera in our rush to leave Wednesday.... So, until later, here's a few pictures :)



  1. That sweet poor baby :( You guys will be in my thoughts and prayers.

  2. You are in our thoughts and prayers. We love you all and hope they are able to find an answer and give her all the help she needs.


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